Nagar Panchayat Barhalganj

Barhalganj is a Adarsh Nagar Panchayat  in Gorakhpur District of Uttar Pradesh State, India. It belongs to Gorakhpur Division . It is located 62 KM towards South from District head quarters Gorakhpur,. It is a Block head quarter.


Barhalganj Pin code is 273402 and postal head office is Barhalganj . The Police Station is also in the centre of the town. The state government facilitate Buses for transport to link it with  Gorakhpur and other neighbourhoods. However Barhalganj is not connected by a rail line. The nearest Railway Station is Barhaj Bazar,  22 km to the southeast.

Hindi is the Local Language here.

Barhalganj Nagar Panchayat has total administration over 6000 houses to which it supplies basic amenities like water and sewerage. It is also authorize to build roads within Nagar Panchayat limits and impose taxes on properties coming under its jurisdiction.